Meet the Haunted Words Press contributors!
Our wonderful and spooky contributors are international, and the reason Haunted Words gets to exist - without them and their incredible work, we'd have no issues for you to read! You can see all of their magical talent for yourself in our issues, but while you're here: take a browse below to see the contributors in each of our issues and find out where to keep up to date with them and their work.
Contributor Map
Take a look at our Contributor Map, and see where in the world our talented ghosts and ghouls are from - we currently have contributors from twenty-four countries!
Issue Nine: Blood-Bound
Ting Loh-Trerise - Cover Art: Threads
Ting Loh-Trerise is a Cornwall-based illustrator who’s ironically terrified of everything except drawing her own horror. Fuelled by an unhealthy diet of escapism and an overactive imagination, she turns her jumpy nature into dark, fantastical art. Her goal is to weaponize her nightmares by turning them into illustrations. For business enquiries,
Alba Sarria - Allow Me to Introduce You... to You
Alba Sarria is a poet & flash fictionist fascinated by all things eerie and disquieting entangled in folklore. You can usually find Alba wandering old cemeteries at night keeping flower-less graves company. Alba is the 2018 CSPA Gold Circle Free Form Poetry recipient, the 2021 CSPA Gold Circle Short Fiction CM, the 2021 William Heath Award recipient, and a 2024 GBF Featured Author. To contact Alba, fog your bathroom mirror at 4:13am and write their name backwards in blood. All inquiries & gossip will be replied to through cryptic temperature changes and light flickering. Or, you can find her on Instagram @albasarriawrites.
Sophia Adamowicz - The Basket of Fruit I Leave on Your Doorstep
Sophia Adamowicz is a tutor and writer who lives in Suffolk, UK, with her partner and cats. Her work has appeared in CUNNING FOLK, CROW & CROSS KEYS and HAVEN SPECULATIVE among other publications. She also delivers workshops across East Anglia through Artemis Writers and plays the guitar for fun. You can find her on Twitter/X @SophiaA_writes, on Instagram @sophia_adamowicz, or on BlueSky
Kira May - Immortal
Kira May (she/her) is a Cornish aspiring poet who enjoys exploring nature, everyday life, and wider philosophical themes within her work. Poetry and the arts are spaces that Kira feels passionately should be inclusive and accessible for every voice. Just as her poetry is a site for her own exploration of self, politics, and the ties that bind us all, Kira believes that this important form of expression and exposure should be diverse and barrierless. You can find her on Instagram @km_bookss.
Briana Michelle Meyer - Evangeline Below
Briana Michelle Meyer is a 32-year-old who spends her days selling books at a bookstore and her nights writing stories. Previously, she spent 6 years as a Native English Teacher in South Korea. When not writing or working, Briana enjoys reading in coffee shops, researching history, and studying the works of Sally Rooney, Nora Ephron, and Greta Gerwig.
Yuu Ikeda - untitled
Yuu Ikeda (she/they) is a Japan-based poet and writer. She loves mystery novels, western art, sugary coffee, and the Japanese animation “呪術廻戦 (Jujutsu Kaisen)” and “ブルーロック (Blue Lock)”. She writes poetry on her website She is the author of poetry collections Seasons Echoing Around Me, Phantasmal Flowers in the Eden Where Only I Know, A Chain-Smoker at Midnight, and more. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @yuunnnn77.
Ben Sherman - The Dutiful Descent
Ben Sherman is a self-published author interested in writing small scale, character driven fantasy stories that look at how characters in high magic worlds live their lives. He is also a fan of xenofiction, and often likes mixing more non-human creatures and PoVs into his work.
Precious Chidera Harrison - Incantation
Precious Chidera Harrison is a poet and artist born and raised in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He was shortlisted for the 2024 edition of the Chukwuemeka Akachi Prize for Literature. He was an honorable mention in the inaugural Rhonda Gail Williford Prize, 2023. He has works published or forthcoming in BLEATING THING MAGAZINE, THE MUSE: A JOURNAL OF CREATIVE WRITING, EUNOIA REVIEW, BRITTLE PAPER, FERAL JOURNAL, IHRAM PUBLISHES, SWIM PRESS, and SPRINNG.
MK Trahan - Sacred Sacrifice
MK Trahan, also known as Miasmatik, is a queer horror illustrator focused on making art that intersects the creepy, comedic, and cathartic. Inspired by vibrant colors and the naturally macabre, they work in a variety of media spanning digital art, traditional ink, and handmade comics and zines.
Yvonne W - my sweet serpentine
Yvonne W is a writer and poet. Her work explores themes of identity and community. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences and cultural narratives, she seeks to amplify marginalized voices and challenge oppressive structures. Her work has been published in UNSTAMATIC MAGAZINE, THE KALAHARI REVIEW, WOMEN’S MEDIA CENTRE, and more. You can find her on Twitter/X @yvonnewabai.
C Sarah Strafford - Every Show, Every Day
C Sarah Strafford is a New Jersey based writer and book publishing professional. She’s currently working on a novel inspired by monsters, emo bands, and toxic relationships. Most weekends you can find her at a concert or comedy club. Weekdays, she’s usually trapped under a pile of books until her failed service dog saves her and demands a walk as compensation. You can find her on Instagram @straffywrites.
Jennifer Choi - Evidence
Jennifer Choi is a passionate high school student. Her work has previously been published or is forthcoming in ALTERED REALITY MAGAZINE, ACADEMIC OF HEART AND MIND, and CULTERATE MAGAZINE, among others. You can find her on Instagram @jenn_iferchoi.
Phoebe Bush - Briar & Ivy
Phoebe is a writer from Essex, who graduated from the Warwick Writing MA and now works as an Administration Assistant. She has been published by MIRK MAGAZINE and CROW & CROSSKEYS, but hopes to turn writing into a career, if she is not too busy getting lost in books or her local forest. You can also find her book blog on Instagram: @the_bees_books.
Marisca Pichette - Recipe (Remastered)
Marisca Pichette is a queer author based in Massachusetts, on Pocumtuck and Abenaki land. Her work has appeared in STRANGE HORIZONS, CLARKESWORLD, VASTARIEN, FANTASY MAGAZINE, NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, and others. Her poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, was a finalist for the Bram Stoker and Elgin Awards. Her first novella, Every Dark Cloud, is forthcoming in March 2025 from GHOST ORCHID PRESS. You can find her on Instagram @marisca_write, on Twitter/X @MariscaPichette, or on BlueSky
Allison Hillier - Anything
Allison lives in Montreal and spends her time drinking iced coffee, reading too many books and is always looking for a new world to fall into. You can find her on Instagram @allisonwritesstories.
Jawn Van Jacobs - witch bottle
Jawn Van Jacobs is a spitfire South Jersey poet who holds back nothing in the name of poetry. His work has appeared in COOL BEANS LIT, MOONDAY MAGAZINE, and PAPER DRAGON. Jawn’s poetry explores the raw and untamed narratives of outlaws and mystics, shedding light on the lives of those living on the fringes of society. His writing is steeped in magic and myth, blending the natural world with a sense of otherworldly wonder. Follow him on IG @jawnvanjacobs.
Priscilla Kint - This is Mercy
Priscilla Kint (she/her) is a Dutch author of short stories and Young Adult fiction. She completed the MA Creative Writing at Bath Spa University and has had work published by LUNA STATION QUARTERLY, SLEY HOUSE, BAG OF BONES PRESS, and INKLING OF THUNDER. Most recently, her work was part of the LGBTQIA+ charity anthology Not/Coming Out. Her stories usually include headstrong teenagers and a hint of magic. She also dabbles in spoken word poetry. In her spare time, she likes to cuddle with her dog Balou and pretend she can play the piano. You can find her on Instagram: @priscilla.kint.
Phoebe Robinson - Not My Blood
Phoebe Robinson is a young aspiring writer with a passion for Gothic fiction and poetry. They’ve made their mark in the literary world with contributions to three published books: Fright Club, Annual Showcase, and The Beautiful Truth, all part of THE YOUNG WRITERS competitions and publication opportunities. Currently, they’re working on an exciting new project titled An Anthology of Shadows and Stars. With a flair for the dark and mysterious, Phoebe would love readers to explore their unique storytelling in this publication and others.
Rosie Kersley Williamson - The Lingering Consequence of Death
Rosie Kersley Williamson first entered the world of creative writing at a young age, and has since become a confident explorer of various creative outlets. Whenever she’s not curled up with a good book, Rosie often combines her many passions, turning her experiences into stories and artwork. She often receives a helping paw from her feline collaborator, Mabel. Rosie’s heartfelt poetry has been published in both the 2022 and 2023 LIVE CANON CHILDREN’S ANTHOLOGIES.
Bella Westbrook - In the Mist
Bella Westbrook is an autistic 15-year-old writer who lives on the wild north of Cornwall. She is an introvert who enjoys writing and philosophy and aims to include philosophical concepts and arguments into her work. In this piece Bella writes with a morbid curiosity for the darker and hauntingly melancholic in life. You can contact her through her email,
Bella Tiley- Ring of Roses
Bella Tiley is a 13-year-old writer. She has wanted to be an author from a very young age, and has always been inspired by nature, animals, and the weather. She has three cats, who are the stars in most of her short stories and has recently taken an interest in Gothic Fiction and Classics. She lives in Cornwall with her parents and identical twin sister. Her other interests include cross-country running, piano, guitar and hamsters. Her favourite books are Warrior Cats, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Serafina.
Violet Berriman - Borrowed Crimson
Violet Berriman is an 11-year-old budding writer from the beautiful North Coast of Cornwall. She has loved writing creative short stories from a very young age. Recently, Violet was selected for a mentorship with THE WRITERS BLOCK within Cornwall and is very excited to enter the world of publication. When Violet isn’t writing, she is rehearsing with her local amateur dramatics theatre company, performing in shows within Cornwall.
Sophia MacNamara - Saul's Promise
Sophia MacNamara (12) lives in rural Cornwall, and takes inspiration from the nature around her. She is passionate about spreading magical experiences and making her readers feel strong emotions, through genres like fantasy, horror, and adventure. While balancing writing with schoolwork, Sophia’s favourite time to write is late at night, and she prefers to do so while wrapped up in lots of blankets! If you would like to see some more of her work, visit @sophiawrites on YouTube.
Issue Eight: Beneath the Depths
Maryana Simpson - Cover Art: Kraken Hatchling
Arapaima Illustrations (Maryana Simpson) is an illustrator from Malta who draws otherworldly creatures and magical beings. She loves drawing anything strange and mystical and draws inspiration from her love of adventures and folklore. She dreams of illustrating children's books and living in a countryside cottage with her cats for company. You can find more of her art on Instagram at @arapaima_illustrations.
Devon Neal - Bodies
Devon Neal (he/him) is a Kentucky-based poet whose work has appeared in many publications, including HAD, STANCHION, STONE CIRCLE REVIEW, LIVINA PRESS, and THE STORMS. He currently lives in Bardstown, KY with his wife and three children. You can find him on Twitter/X and BlueSky @DevMinor.
Ila S - Walk the Plank with Soft Footsteps
Ila S. is a teenage writer, poet, lyricist, and musician who believes that words really can make a difference. Her goal is that her writing changes or heals at least one heart, and to show that life doesn't have to be a burden. She does her best to use her voice to advocate for mental health, against racism, and more. You can find more of her work on Instagram @ila.writes7.
Ben Ramakrishnan - salt
Ben Ramakrishnan is a high school sophomore who is passionate about music, theater, and literature. When he isn’t writing, you can find him making music, performing onstage, baking up a storm, reading piles of books, or drinking iced coffee. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of VELLICHOR LITERARY (@vellichor_lit) on Instagram. You can find him on Instagram @beniskindaweird and @benwritesalittle.
Joe Butler - The Water Will Claim Us All
Joe Butler (He/Him) lives and works in London, but dreams of living and working elsewhere. His writing has been featured in HEXAGON, PILCROW & DAGGER, STORY BITS, BANDIT FICTION, NEW ORBIT, GHOST ORCHID, and SECOND CHANCE LIT. You can find him on Twitter/X @writelikeashark.
Daisy Bignell - Chesil Bay
Daisy Bignell is an aspiring novelist, currently working on various creative projects as a Content Writer at Healthline Zine. Her work has been featured in SCRIBBLES, HAUNTED WORDS PRESS, HOT POT MAGAZINE, and THE LOOKING GLASS REVIEW. When she isn't writing she can be found in her local bookshop sipping on a bubble tea.
Danielle Robertson - The Hotel Bathtub
Danielle Robertson writes character-driven novels and short stories. Her short fiction for teens and adults has appeared in online publications as well as print anthologies from QUILL & FLAME PUBLISHING, TERRORCORE PUBLISHING, and ONCE UPON A BOOK CLUB. Danielle received her BA in creative writing from SUNY Purchase, and she is a 2021 Tin House YA Workshop alum. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and their two children. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @danjvrobertson.
Rebecca Loveday - Uncharted
Rebecca is a writer and early years practitioner from Portsmouth, UK. Her poems and stories for children often tell tales inspired by history, nature and folklore and have appeared in TYGER TYGER, WRITING MAGAZINE, LITTLE THOUGHTS PRESS, PARAKEET, and THE DIRIGIBLE BALLOON. You can find her on Twitter/X @Beccabeccabecs, on Instagram @rebeccalovedayrhymelady or on her website
Jac Money - Beware the Whisper Fish
Jac Money lives in Naarm (Melbourne, Australia) with her dog Henry and piles of books. She spends her spare time drawing and reading, around a full time job in book publishing. One day she would like to meet a highland cow and befriend it. You can find her on Instagram, Threads, Facebook & TikTok @money.jac.
Ruth Irene - Until the Dawn
Ruth Irene (she/her), originally from Chicago, is a mother to three girls; an admitted undergraduate degree candidate at Harvard Extension School, Harvard University; a tea addict; and adores her editor, Atticus, the fluffiest Ragdoll cat on the East Coast. She is an editor-reader for poetry in THE PERIWINKLE PELICAN, and has poetry being published by PERSEPHONE’S FRUIT, REDSHEEP, PARTIALLY SKY & others. You can find her on Twitter/X @RuthIre71704512 and on BlueSky
Azia Archer - Sovereign
Azia Archer is a writer and artist living in Minnesota. She is the author of ATOMS & EVERS (dancinggirlpress) and is currently working on her first novel. You can find her online @aziaarcher via most social media platforms or subscribe to her newsletter at
Jeannie Marschall - Rising
Jeannie Marschall (she/her/any) is a garden hag from the green centre of Germany who enjoys hikes, foraging, crawling critters, and inventing tall tales with the best of partners. Jeannie mostly writes colourful, queer SFFH stories as well as the occasional poem. Longer works are in the cauldron (ETA 2025). You can find her on Twitter/X @DjinniMarschall and on BlueSky
Marigold Rowell - Free Wi-Fi Air-Conditioned Great-Rates Pool
Marigold Rowell (she/her) grew up on the East Coast, but drove out to California on her own, staying in many motels along the way. All of them were a little bit spooky, and most had a vending machine or two glowing in some gloomy corner. She has lived in Los Angeles ever since, continuing to creep herself out, and hopefully her readers, too. You can find her on Twitter/X @MarigoldRowell, on BlueSky and on her website
Linda Crate - the mermaid breaks free
Linda M. Crate (she/her) is a Pennsylvanian writer whose poetry, short stories, articles, and reviews have been published in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. She has twelve published chapbooks. She is also the author of the novella Mates (ALIEN BUDDHA PUBLISHING, March 2022) and published a debut collection of photography Songs of the Creek (ALIEN BUDDHA PUBLISHING, April 2023). You can find her on Twitter/X @thysilverdoe, on Instagram @authorlindamcrate, and on Facebook Linda M Crate.
Faith Allington - Beneath the Ebbing Tide, We Sing
Faith Allington (she/her) is a writer who loves the dark and whimsical and all the pretty rot. Her work appears in various literary journals, including FLASH FICTION ONLINE, WATERWHEEL REVIEW, CEASE, COWS, and CROW & CROSS KEYS. You can find her on Twitter/X @faithallington, on Instagram @faithallington.writes, and on her website
Arianna Kanji - the drowning at Weatherby's pier
Arianna Kanji is a fifteen year old writer from Toronto, Canada who’s been published in over thirty different literary magazines. They’re also a blog writer for Brainscramble Magazine and The Elysian Chronicles. They’ve been a short story writer for as long as they can remember, but have found a love for poetry during this last year. In their free time, they enjoy reading, playing the violin, and working on multiple unfinished novel drafts. You can find them on Instagram @ari.kanji
Julianne Estur - The Graveyard Shift
Julianne Estur (she/her) is a Filipino-American writer and a recent UCLA grad. Currently, she is writing a theater piece about a seance conducted by the members of a modern Spiritualist commune called Good Tidings, which is to be performed at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2025 through Los Angeles Theatre Initiative. You can find her on Twitter/X @sundeitys.
Pride 2024: Bleeding Hearts Beat Still
Azhlee Avro - Cover Art
Azhlee Avro (she/her) is a Cornish short story and illustration hobbyist of fiction and fantasy. She enjoys fantastical works of magic, worlds, and mythical characters, creating one-shot D&D campaigns and designing and drawing characters. She loves animated films and her two cats Cloud and Luna. You can find her illustrated works on Instagram @azhlee_avro.
Ev Datsyk - The Necromancer’s Daughter
Ev Datsyk is a second-generation settler living on the land known today as Canada. She primarily writes short stories and is passionate about genre-bending, dramatic irony, and questionable puns. When not writing, she can be found reading in coffee shops, scarfing down baked goods, or rolling cat hair off her black clothes. She can be found on Instagram and Twitter/X @evdatsyk.
Hannah Greer - To Find Each Other
Hannah Greer’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in PseudoPod, MetaStellar, and Radon Journal. She is a first reader for Fusion Fragment, hoards books, and competes in combat sports. She resides in North Carolina with her partner, a trio of cats, and a small flock of pigeons. She can be found on Bluesky or on her website,
Mathew L. Reyes - The Lost Heir of Crannach Castle
Mathew is a copy editor based in Minnesota. When he's not working as an editing gremlin, he's jogging, writing, and killing his darlings at the advice of his writing group. His works have appeared in the NoSleep Podcast, Crystal Lake Publishing, Quill & Crow, and others. His debut novella collection, God's Own Country, is forthcoming with Quill & Crow Summer 2026. He can be found on socials @MathewLReyes.
Tara O’Malley - before dawn breaks
Tara O'Malley is a writer from Galway, Ireland. She currently works as a librarian and as co-editor for Ragaire Literary Magazine. Her work has previously been published in Tír na nÓg Magazine, Paper Lanterns, ROPES Literary Journal and other publications. She can be found waxing poetic about writing and books on Instagram @readbetweenthedaydreams.
S. Janmar - Medianoches at Midnight
S. Janmar (she/they) was born and raised in one of the points of the Bermuda triangle and earned their Creative Writing degree in another. Now she can be found meandering through many a bookshop and museum across New York City, befriending the nearest invertebrate, or adding more dice to her ever increasing hoard. S. is fascinated by writing about the ways worlds can collide, most often finding their literary home in magical realism and sci-fantasy. They can be found on Instagram @s.janmere, and on Twitter/X @s_janmere.
J.M. Smith - Psychopomp
J.M. Smith is an aspiring author focusing on pieces involving horror, LGBTQ+ themes, and religious imagery. They work hard to give others a space to exist in their writing, and a place to be known, whether it be through love, solidarity in trauma, or the more complicated embrace of religion. They are working towards being an author they can be proud of, and are excited to go on this journey and get to know everyone along the way, and thank everyone that gives their writing a chance. They can be found on Twitter/X @jmsmithh07, and on Tumblr @jmsmith07.
Beckett Hargraves - We All Have a Hunger
Beckett Hargraves (she/they) is a writer originally from the desert mountains of Idaho who is now studying Creative Writing at Utah Valley University. They seriously got back into writing while in lockdown in 2020 and haven't looked back. When not writing about messy, complex lesbians, she can be found crocheting, painting, or playing TTRPGs. They can be found on Instagram and Twitter/X @becksandham.
Toshiya Kamei - Scorched
Toshiya Kamei (they/them) takes inspiration from fairy tales, folklore, and mythology. They attempt to reimagine the past, present, and future while shifting between various perspectives and points of view. Many of their characters are outsiders living on the margins of society.
V.A. Penny - In Bones and Blood
V. A. Penny resides in Scotland, where she reads and writes fantasy and science fiction in her spare time. She is currently working on her first novel and aiming to get it traditionally published. When she's not writing, she can usually be found playing video games. She can be found on Twitter/X @v_a_pen and Instagram @vvic_penn.
Maryana Simpson - Sea Ghosts in Love
Arapaima Illustrations (Maryana Simpson) is a digital illustrator from Malta who loves to draw anything strange and mystical. She draws inspiration from her interest in folklore, fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, and mysteries. When she isn't drawing, she loves reading, video games, swimming and hikes. Her work can be found on Instagram at @arapaima_illustrations.
MK Trahan - Show Your Guts
MK Trahan, also known as Miasmatik, is a queer horror illustrator focused on making art that intersects the creepy, comedic, and cathartic. Inspired by vibrant colors and the naturally macabre, they work in a variety of media spanning digital art, traditional ink, and handmade comics and zines. They can be found haunting conventions around NYC and on Instagram and Twitter/X as @miasmatik_art.
Chey Rivera - The Last Ball of Banebury Manor
Chey Rivera (she/her) is a data engineer and emerging writer from Puerto Rico. She writes in English, but Spanish is her first language. Her work is out now in Prairie Soul Press' flash fiction anthology, The Philosophy of Blue, and in Cosmic Daffodil's Seven Deadly Sins issue. It's also forthcoming in Other Worlds, an anthology by A Coup of Owls Press. She can be found on Instagram @readbychey and on Twitter/X @criverawrites.
Marisca Pichette - Start to Finish
Marisca Pichette assembles charms from playing cards and bones. Her work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Nightmare Magazine, and The Deadlands, among others. Her Bram Stoker Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is out now from Android Press. She can be found on Instagram @marisca_write, and Twitter/X as @MariscaPichette.
Rachel Denham-White - The Footlights Stain Her Crimson
Rachel Denham-White is an emerging writer living in Boorloo/Perth. In 2022, she graduated with her Bachelor of Arts (Hons), with her dissertation on the Postfeminist Gothic movement in the works of her favourite author, Angela Carter. Since her graduation, she has been featured in Westerly, Voiceworks and Good Reading Magazine, and is currently on the editing team for Limina Journal and Pulch. In her spare time, Rachel can be found playing DnD and reading and writing horror, eco-horror, Gothic horror and pregnancy horror. She can be found on Instagram @raes_readingcorner.
Jazmin Conde Nuñez - Final Girls
Jazmin Conde Nuñez is a novelist and short story writer of historical fiction, fantasy, gothic horror, and romance. As a bisexual Latina, Jazmin intends to always center her fiction on BIPOC & LGBT+ characters, and with a professional background in mental health and a personal passion for gothic horror media, it is only natural that she loves to blend horror and emotional drama in her writing—such as the blossoming of romance in the most dangerous or dire circumstances, or handling the ghosts of heartache and grief whilst battling literal ghosts.
Cagalli Lim - Dead Men Still Drink
Cagalli Lim is a Filipino writer actively seeking to have more of her works published in magazines all over the world. She enjoys writing speculative fiction and poetry, finding joy in the weird, wacky, and wonderful. You may find some of her other works in SeaGlass Literary’s 5th and 7th issues, as well as Soft Star Magazine’s 2nd issue. She can be found on Instagram @cagalli_lim_, and on Twitter/X @CagalliLim.
Ennis Rook Bashe - Love Letter from a Necromancer to a Dead Boy
Ennis Rook Bashe is an Elgin and Rhysling Award-nominated poet and Lesfic Bard Award-winning romance novelist whose work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Cricket, and Liminality Magazine. Their recent chapbook Beautiful Malady (from Interstellar Flight Press) includes work nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Find more of their writing at
Charlotte Brookins - Lady, Luminous
Charlotte Brookins has been a writer for most of her life, using her pen to carve out doorways into the forbidden and the unknown. She has previously been published in Issue Five: Wicked Woodlands from Haunted Words Press, as well as magazines such as Ink Lit, Wilder Things, New Moon, and Iowa City's Poetry in Public series. When she isn't writing or reading, she can be found spending time with loved ones or getting lost in the woods. She can be found on Instagram @cbrookinswriting, and on Twitter/X @chbrookins.
K.J. Watson - Owner of a Broken Heart
K. J. Watson is the author of stories and poems that have appeared on the radio; in magazines, comics and anthologies; and online. Most of his output falls into the genres of speculative and weird fiction. He admires the work of many writers, among them William Hope Hodgson, James Ellroy and Walter Mosley. Apart from poems and stories, K. J. Watson has written non-fiction articles on topics that include health, hobbies and local government. He has also edited papers for academic journals. After time spent in London and Ireland, he now lives in Scotland. He can be found on Twitter/X @WatsonKJ4.
Melissa Emmett - Hunting
Melissa is a queer writer from Birmingham, UK. She loves writing comedy, fantasy and horror - someone once told her she was quite funny, and she's really taken that to heart. She loves Dungeons and Dragons, and is a passionate Dungeon Master for multiple campaigns. Another story she's had published is about a God named Gary who has lost his world, and one day, she aims to publish even more stories about people losing things.
Issue Seven: Frozen Mirrors
Erika Salvador - Cover Art: Winter Reflections
Erika Lynet Salvador, born and raised a Filipina, is a student at Amherst College. Her essays, mostly her musings on sociopolitical events, are featured in the PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER and the TRANSIT DIALOG. Meanwhile, her visual art, usually using oil, watercolour, and ink, are featured or will soon be featured in the *82REVIEW and the QUIBBLE LIT. She also explores film and phone photography from time to time and is an avid reader of free-verse poetry. See her art at @bodeganierika or
Jasmine De La Paz - The Weeping Woman
Jasmine De La Paz wrote her first story about a ghost haunting a playground at the age of seven. Although the content of her work has matured since then, at the heart of her stories is the Gothic, macabre, and bittersweetness of horror that she first fell in love with as a little girl. Many anthologies and magazines feature her stories, including LOVE LETTERS TO POE Vol. 3, TENEBROUS ANTIQUITIES, HORRORSCOPE Vol. 2, and more. She spends her spare time teaching yoga and spinning tales to her son, who, like his mother, loves the tradition of sharing spooky stories. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter/X @jazz_delapaz.
Vicki Flippance - I Am Her
Vicki Flippance has been fascinated by everything weird and wonderful for as long as she can remember. By day she works as a researcher in London, but by night she puts her unearthly obsessions to good use by creating fun and spooky middle-grade stories. She loves the idea that hidden worlds could exist alongside our own (or even within it). In her spare time Vicki can often be found in cemeteries, hoping that one day the residents will finally want to make friends… You can find her on Twitter/X @vickiflippance and Instagram @cunningwomanwrites.
Stephanie Henson - Mirror Maze
Stephanie lives with her family in West Chester, Pennsylvania, but is originally from Central, New Jersey, where she has a degree in Communications and a Publishing and Professional Writing Certificate from Rider University. She is also a member of SCBWI (Eastern PA Chapter) & is a 2024 SCBWI Virtual Conference Scholarship winner. Her first Children's Poetry book was released in affiliation with EXPERIMENTS IN FICTION, is a Book Excellence Award Finalist, and also reached Number One New Release in Children's Poetry on Amazon (ebook). She recently announced her next project, a Picture Book on school refusal to be published with TIELMOUR PRESS August 2024. She also has an MG Contemporary coming June 2024 to be published with OH MG PRESS. You can find her on Twitter/X @Stepha_henson, and on Instagram @stephahenson.
C. Dan Castro - The Mirror People
Dan Castro enjoys writing fantasy, mystery, and thriller stories. He has stories accepted or published by BARDS AND SAGES QUARTERLY, DRAGON GEMS, SHERLOCK HOLMES MAGAZINE (UK), SHERLOCK HOLMES MYSTERY MAGAZINE (US), THRILL RIDE THE MAGAZINE, BLACK CAT MYSTERY MAGAZINE, and more! When not composing stories, Dan tweets writing tips (@CDanCastro43), dreams of travelling again, or studies languages to imbue his stories with je ne sais quoi. Whatever that means. He lives in Connecticut, where he’s making a final polish on his first novel, a middle-grade fantasy. Rupashi and Feng, the heroines of “The Mirror People,” feature in that novel.
Hana Gammon - The Foxing
Hana Gammon is a young writer from Cape Town, South Africa, with an interest in exploring the Gothic, the uncanny, and the liminal through storytelling. Their short story, ‘The Undertaker's Apprentice’, won the Africa region of the 2023 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and their work has been published in several other anthologies. They are currently studying English Honours at the University of Stellenbosch.
Magaly Garcia - Instructions
Magaly Garcia (she/her) lives in south-south Texas and is currently working on a YA hybrid series. She received an MFA in Writing & Publishing from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has been published in RUNNING WILD ANTHOLOGY OF STORIES Volume 3 (2020), FANTASY MAGAZINE Issue #63 (2021), INK: Queer Sci Fi’s Eighth Annual Flash Fiction Contest (2021), WICKED SHADOW PRESS’ Halloweenthology: Día de Muertos (2023), and other works. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok under the username @ofcatandcacti.
Nico Horton - We Mustn't Go Ice Skating
Nico is a second-year at Falmouth University, studying English and Creative Writing. He loves to explore different genres and mediums, and while his feelings about some change over time, he's always found an incredible span of emotion in writing children's literature. While he tends to be inspired by Italian, or more broadly Mediterranean culture and settings as it's where he is from, for this short story he has kept to a more typical English Gothic setting. You can find him on Instagram @nico.horton.
Erin Braithwaite - Midnight Reflections
Erin Braithwaite is a writer and illustrator from South Africa living in Bristol. When she's not watching horror films or reading spooky novels, she's usually hard at work writing bits and pieces that she hopes will send a shiver down the reader's spine. At the moment she's working on a children's horror novel about the dark corner under the stairs. You can find her on Twitter/X @EJBraithwaite28, on Instagram @ej_braithwaite, and on BlueSky
Noll Griffin - Pure Cold
Noll Griffin is a visual artist residing in Berlin, Germany. His art is inspired by weird nature, vintage advertising, and wistful nightmares. Noll’s art has been featured in THE WINNOW, POLEMICAL ZINE, MOSS PUPPY MAGAZINE, and HONEYGUIDE LITERARY MAGAZINE among others. You can find him on Instagram at @nollprints or on Tumblr/Twitter/Bluesky under @nollthere.
Kaylee Nicole - Out of the Cold
An avid dreamer, Kaylee Petersen haunts the local library and bookshops for new stories and refreshing ideas. She regularly googles suspicious things while enjoying hot cocoa in the PNW where cryptids and ghosts keep her good––or mostly just entertaining––company. You can find her on Instagram @kaylee_the_writer.
Kelly-Mae Matt - Bloom
Residing in Lincolnshire, England, Kelly-Mae is a recent graduate of Creative Writing and Publishing, short story writer and a lover of fairy tales and urban legends. Acting as a bartender by day, Kelly-Mae looks forward to escaping the reality of life by taking pen to paper and crafting a world that is unlike our own. You can find their previous works in THANATOS REVIEW, MIDSUMMER MAGAZINE, and WHIMSICAL PRESS. If you have yet to stumble upon their spirit flitting about a forgotten hollow, then you can find them on Twitter/X @KellyMaeWrites, or their website
Rye Brayley - Graveyard Snow
Rye Brayley is a poet originally from Queens, NY, currently residing in Ybor City, Tampa. He has had poems and flash fiction published with RESURRECTION MAGAZINE, MAD SWIRL, and ALIEN BUDDHA ZINE, and can be found on Twitter/X @ryebrayley.
Lucy Daniel - Henry's Mirror
Lucy is a YA horror writer from Cardiff who works in the television industry as a Publicity Assistant. She has been writing horror for many years, and has so far written four YA horror novels, with the hopes of one getting an agent and becoming traditionally published. In 2023 Lucy became a mentee in the WriteMentor Summer Mentoring Programme and is currently querying her YA horror novel; ‘Another Day in Paradise’. You can find her on Twitter/X @lucyrdaniel, and on Instagram and TikTok @lucywriteshorror.
Maryanne Chappell - Afterimage
Maryanne Chappell dwells on the outskirts of the Jersey Pine Barrens, a space between reality and formidable horror. Her husband and four cats keep her from straying too far into the pines. She writes Magical Realism, Speculative Fiction, and Satirical Horror and occasionally wanders the path of dark horror when the spirit arises. She has been recently published in the FREEDOM FICTION JOURNAL and will soon be published in THE DARK HORSE MAGAZINE and THE HORROR ZINE. You can find her on Facebook as Maryanne Pacheco Chappell.
Marisca Pichette - spirits like snowflakes
Marisca Pichette assembles charms from playing cards and bones. Her work has appeared in STRANGE HORIZONS, NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, and THE DEADLANDS, among others. Her Bram Stoker Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is out now from ANDROID PRESS. Find her on Twitter as @MariscaPichette and Instagram as @marisca_write.
Devin Reeves - Any Hundred Horrible Things
Devin Reeves (she/her) is a product of every horror movie she’s ever seen and every bad pun she’s ever heard. She lives in Columbus Ohio, writing fiction and poetry and doing her best to soak in the magic and gore of everyday existence. Her work has been featured in BROKEN ANTLER and DEAL JAM MAGAZINE. Find her on Twitter @devinreeves02 and Instagram @devin.reeve.s.
Issue Six: Ghoulish Grimoires
Maryana Simpson - Cover Art: Sheet Ghost & His Cat Enjoy a Book
Arapaima Illustrations is a Maltese digital illustrator with a love for the strange and mysterious. Her work mostly focuses on sci-fi and alien life, with some supernatural-themed pieces sprinkled in here and there. She takes inspiration from nature, folklore, and her love of adventures. You can find more of her work on Instagram at @arapaima_illustrations!
Kathryn Reilly - The Thirteenth Year
By day, Kathryn helps students investigate words’ power; by night, she resurrects goddesses and ghosts, spinning new speculative tales. Sometimes, she even writes the truth. Enjoy poetry in SHADOW ATLAS, A FLIGHT OF DRAGONS, LAST GIRLS CLUB, WILLOW TREE SWING, PARIS MORNING and fiction in TREE AND STONE, SEASIDE GOTHIC, DIET MILK, BLIND INK, and FISH GATHER TO LISTEN. Her rescue mutts, Savvie and Roxy Razzamatazz, hear all the stories first. Find her on Twitter/X @Katecanwrite or visit
Jacoby Crane - Little Ghost on the Stairs
Jacoby is an eccentric writer and artist living in Derbyshire. Currently he's working on Japanese poetry and writing a macabre children's fantasy novel. His inspiration mostly comes from vivid dreams and life experiences, but his muse comes in the forms of Chris Riddell and Neil Gaiman. You can find him on Twitter/X @FukurouSan_.
Ariadne Zhou - What Comes Up from the World Below
Ariadne Zhou is a programmer who enjoys reading, cooking, translating webnovels, and writing short stories in her free time. She has also been previously published in OFIC MAGAZINE, TREMBLING WITH FEAR, and the gothic romance anthology CRIMSON BONES. She can be found on Twitter and Bluesky @juurensha.
Keller Agre - Hide and Seek
Keller Agre is a new horror fiction writer and financial analyst originally from Overland Park, Kansas. He is a member of the Atlanta Writers Club and the Spooky Book Club of Atlanta, Georgia where he lives and works. He enjoys hiking, playing folk music on his guitar, and exploring the city. He graduated from Truman State University with a degree in accounting. You can find him on Twitter/X @KellerAgre.
Doodleslice - The Thranklmeindr
Doodleslice is an Atlanta-based poet and visual artist who has been active in the arts for over 30 years. Despite his whimsical nature, he believes that in the corners of the best fairy tales reside the darkest shadows. Yet, he also asserts that chocolate chip cookies are proof that humans are, ever so slightly, more good than evil. He is the author and illustrator of Color Me With Hugs, a poetry and coloring book. You can find him on Twitter/X and Instagram @doodleslice, and on his website
Amy R. Wethington - Baba Yaga and the Water of Life
Amy R. Wethington is a retired biology professor and Physidae snail expert. She lives in the house she helped build as a teenager in Pauline, SC with her husband and four cats. She enjoys writing science fiction, speculative fiction, and fantasy and is a member of several writing groups: in person and online. She has another short story coming out soon in April 2024 with ANDROIDS AND DRAGONS. She can be found on Facebook: and is the Contest Coordinator and former President of the Southeastern Writers Association. She will be looking into designing an author website soon.
Azhlee Avro - Amphibious Summoning
Azhlee Avro (she/her) is a Cornish short story and illustration hobbyist of fiction and fantasy. She enjoys fantastical works of magic, worlds, and mythical characters, creating one-shot D&D campaigns and designing and drawing characters. She loves animated films and her two cats Cloud and Luna. You can find her illustrated works on Instagram @Sprite_Mouse.
Jacelyn - Long Gone
Jacelyn (she/her) recently started focusing on her art proper, having persevered through an engineering major and a short stint as a civil servant. Her artworks have appeared in ADDA, CHESTNUT REVIEW, THE LUMIERE REVIEW, and more. She can be found at and on Instagram at @jacelyn.makes.stuff.
N.A. Kimber - To Drown and Burn
N.A. Kimber (she/her) is a writer from Caledon, Ontario. She has been writing since she was twelve years old and has always been moved by the power of storytelling across all mediums and genres. She is the co-founder of the online publication FORGET ME NOT PRESS which she runs with her twin sister and artist, K.E. Donoghue-Stanford. She can usually be found with a cup of tea in hand and either knitting, reading, or (obviously) writing. You can find her on Instagram @nahydekimber and on her website
Ogbewu Goodluck Idaa - Midnight Incantations
Ogbewu Goodluck Idea, is a prolific poet who hails from Nigeria. His creative experience is well rooted on 3 years of consistent writing. He has won numerous awards in the writing industry, ranging from winning the gold award in Heritage of poems weekly contests 2023, 4th winner of the philosophical African writing contest 2022 and 1st runner-up in thresposs learn on-spot writing challenge 2021among others. He goes by the pseudonym; Luckscribe.
Benjamin Bradley - Declan's Big Day
Benjamin Bradley is a graduate of the Gotham Writers Workshop Fiction I & II and the Red Bud Writing Project’s Advanced Fiction courses and an active member of the Mystery Writers of America. He's the author of the Shepard & Kelly Mystery series through INDIES UNITED PUBLISHING HOUSE. By day, Benjamin coaches homelessness organizations nationally on embedding healthcare for our country's most vulnerable populations from his home in Raleigh, North Carolina. You can find him on Twitter/X @bbradleywrites.
Ayu Sekarlangit Mokoginta - Devour
Ayu (preferably known as Anja) is an Indonesian writer, creator, and independent game developer. They graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication (Media) and have a background in media production (primarily for film and TV). They're fond of all things horror, grotesque, and obscure. When they’re not creating monstrous things, you’ll find them spending their spare time crocheting, reading books, and being a cat parent. You can find them on Twitter/X @/hauntshill or their website:
Marisca Pichette - Quake
Marisca Pichette assembles charms from playing cards and bones. Her work has appeared in STRANGE HORIZONS, NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, and THE DEADLANDS, among others. Her Bram Stoker Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is out now from ANDROID PRESS. Find her on Twitter as @MariscaPichette and Instagram as @marisca_write.
Arda Mori - Garden of Darkness, Dream of Spring
Arda Mori writes from Malaysia. Her prose/poetry appear in EYE TO THE TELESCOPE, STRANGE HORIZONS, SPELLBINDER LITERARY MAGAZINE, and elsewhere. Find her on Twitter/X at @armori_ or
Pride 2023: We Will Not Stay Buried
Azhlee Avro - Cover Art
Azhlee Avro (she/her) is a Cornish short story and illustration hobbyist of fiction and fantasy. She enjoys fantastical works of magic, worlds, and mythical characters, creating one-shot D&D campaigns and designing and drawing characters. She loves animated films and her two cats Cloud and Luna. You can find her illustrated works on Instagram @Sprite_Mouse.
Elizabeth Anne Schwartz - Beatrice
Elizabeth Anne Schwartz (she/her), born on Friday the 13th, writes sapphic stories and dark, enchanting tales. She earned her BA in Creative Writing at Purchase College, and has work featured or forthcoming in THE LOVERS LITERARY JOURNAL, HEARTH & COFFIN LITERARY JOURNAL, and the Under Her Eye women-in-horror poetry showcase from BLACK SPOT BOOKS, among others. Follow her on Instagram/Threads @elizanneschwa and visit her website at
Aleah Romer - The Cost of a Kiss
Aleah Romer (she/her) is a queer, neurodivergent author living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Currently she is working towards her MFA in the Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University, in Tacoma, WA. You can find her at or on Instagram at @romer.aleah.
K. Mitchell - Lessons on Preparing for Disownment
K. Mitchell (He/Him) is an undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in THE AIRGONAUT, JAKE, THE GORKO GAZETTE, and THE GOOD LIFE REVIEW. Kenny drinks (inhales is a better word) an obscene amount of coffee and has been described as ‘the world's most violent typist.’ He (semi-occasionally) tweets @kennymwrites.
Gen Greer - When the Sirens Call
Gen Greer (she/her) is a dog lover, runner, and forever Medusa supporter. Her work has appeared in QUEERLINGS, REJECTION LETTERS, THE DAILY DRUNK, and elsewhere. You can follow her on Twitter/X @sylviaiamiamiam and Instagram at @sylvia_plath_iamiamiam.
Noemi Mangialardi - Take Up Some Space
Noemi (she/her) is an Italian 24-year-old writing in English. She’s (hopelessly) studying foreign languages and literature at the University of Milan and writing articles for a local theatre magazine. She loves writing poems set in surreal scenarios, looking at the world through the lens of her queerness. You can find some of her work in BULLSHIT LIT and PENUMBRA ONLINE magazine. She’ll bake you something if you ask. You can find her on Twitter/X @noemibtchcraft, and on Instagram @lonelyviolett.poetry and @chocolatathun.da.
Rachel M. Shannon - Strawberry Fields for Evan
Rachel M. Shannon is a lover of storytelling who harbours a fascination for all things spooky and macabre. An English teacher by day, she occasionally feels compelled to write fiction, and will take pen in hand to satisfy the muse. She lives in South Texas with her husband, teen, and two cats. You can find her on Instagram @bucher_freud.
Kayla Renee - There's Going to be a Comet
Kayla Renee (she/her) is a queer writer and MFA candidate at the University of Baltimore. When she’s not writing, she enjoys watching anime or playing Sims while listening to Rina Sawayama on repeat. Her work has been published by FIFTH WHEEL PRESS, WELTER, SUNFLOWERS AT MIDNIGHT, CELESTITE, and THE DAILY DRUNK MAGAZINE. She has work forthcoming with BULLSHIT LIT. You can find her on both Twitter/X and Instagram @Kayla_renee_25.
Kelly-Mae Matt - Stitches
Residing in Lincolnshire, England, Kelly-Mae is a recent graduate of Creative Writing and Publishing, short story writer and a lover of fairy tales and urban legends. Acting as a bartender by day, Kelly-Mae looks forward to escaping the reality of life by taking pen to paper and crafting a world that is unlike our own. You can find their previous works in THANATOS REVIEW, MIDSUMMER MAGAZINE, and WHIMSICAL PRESS. If you have yet to stumble upon their spirit flitting about a forgotten hollow, then you can find them on Twitter/X @KellyMaeWrites, or their website
Alba Sarria - Aphrodite
Alba V Sarria is a poet, flash fictionist, and author fascinated by all things eerie and disquieting entangled with folklore. Alba is the 2018 CSPA Gold Circle winner for Free Form poetry, the 2021 Short Fiction CM, a 2022 Pushcart nominee, and the 2021 William Heath Award recipient. To contact Alba, fog your bathroom mirror at 4:13am and write their name backwards in your (or someone else's) blood. All inquiries and gossip will be replied to through cryptic temperature changes, hall light flickering, and sudden toilet flushing. Or, you can give a follow on Instagram: @albasarriawrites. You can read Alba's eerie work in their debut poetry collection NIGHT LIFE.
Mariah Barkovitz - Monster
Mariah Barkovitz (she/her) is an animal-loving writer, reader, and college student that spends her time dreaming up magic and monsters. She loves to write fantasy fiction in her free time. When not writing, she enjoys listening to nearly every music genre known to humankind and spending time with her two dogs, Willow and Cookie. She has a piece of microfiction published in IMPROBABLE PRESS’S Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue titled ‘Caution!’ You can find her on Twitter/X at @mariahbwrites.
Yuu Ikeda - Moonlit Night Rhapsody
Yuu Ikeda (she/they) is a Japan based poet and writer. She loves mystery novels, western art, sugary coffee, and japanese comic ‘呪術廻戦 (Jujutsu Kaisen)’. She writes poetry on her website. Her latest poetry chapbook Mentally, Midnight was published by NAKED CAT PUBLISHING. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @yuunnnn77.
Leylah M - More Queer Final Couples
Leylah is an illustrator working in a wide range of mediums - from physical to digital, big or small, sculpted or drawn - willing to try her hand at anything. She creates work drawing upon specific interests in horror and the supernatural as well as incorporating whimsy and colourful detail with her work accumulating into a sort of quaint, miniature, haunted house. You can find her on Instagram, and on her website
Clare Melvin - Love Potion
Clare Melvin is a poet and author from Thibodaux, Louisiana. She is a first generation college student and an English major dual concentrating in creative writing and literary studies at Nicholls State University. She currently works as the Radio Station Manager for KNSU Radio, an alternative radio station on her campus. She is passionate about politics and an advocacy for literacy. She is working on her debut novel and can be found on Twitter/X and Instagram, @claretheebear.
Nathan Corrál - Save Your Prayers
Nathan Corrál (he/him) is a queer, Chicano writer, and editor at STATEMENT MAGAZINE. He is a first-generation undergraduate student pursuing his bachelor's degree in English at Cal State Los Angeles. His creative nonfiction has appeared in CULTURAL DAILY. You can find him on Twitter/X @nathancorral, and on Instagram @natahncorral3.
Halle Merrick - Lost & Found
Halle Merrick (she/they) is a writer of the magical, the peculiar, and the whatever-thought-pops-into-her-head. They hold a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and a Master's in Professional Writing from Falmouth University. They are the founder and editor of Haunted Words Press, and their work has been published in FILTER COFFEE ZINE and TOIL & TROUBLE LITERARY MAGAZINE, among others. They would very much like to live in a haunted house with a legion of ghost cats one day. You can find her on Twitter/X @halle_merrick, and Instagram @hallemaem.
Marisca Pichette - Gothel's Girls
Marisca Pichette assembles charms from playing cards and bones. Her work has appeared in STRANGE HORIZONS, NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, and THE DEADLANDS, among others. Her Bram Stoker Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is out now from ANDROID PRESS. Find her on Twitter as @MariscaPichette and Instagram as @marisca_write.
Ute Orgassa - Ovum
Ute Orgassa was born and raised in Germany. She now lives with her family in the Bay Area. Her short story Irina's choice was published in Obsolescence by SHORTWAVE PUBLISHING. Her short story Ovum can be found in the 2023 Pride Issue of HAUNTED WORDS PRESS. Her play A Different Track premiered at the 2023 Fringe in Barnstaple, UK. You can find her on Bluesky
Ramona Gore - The Wind Was Chill
Ramona Gore is currently a Cinema and History major at Binghamton University, minoring in Asian and Asian American Studies. Her work has been published in DUCK DUCK MONGOOSE MAGAZINE, IDLE INK, COALITIONWORKS, and ROI FAINÉANT PRESS. You can find her on Twitter/X @ramonavegagore.
Rebecca Kilroy - The Mirror Test
Rebecca Kilroy was a morbid child. Now, she writes about magic, mirrors, and the undead. Her work has been featured in ORANGES JOURNAL, FATAL FLAW, and others. She lives in Boston with her best friend. You can find her on Instagram @rebecca_kilroy9.
Ben Dalitz - Elizabeth Way
Ben Dalitz (they/them) is a punk poet with a background in performing arts and mental health advocacy. They studied Classics at the University of Cambridge and filmmaking at the National Film & Television School's BFI Film Academy. They are currently writing and researching crip/trans punk poetics.
Sarah Kenchington - The Monnie
Sarah Kenchington (she/her) is a Bristolian writer and PhD Postcolonial Literature candidate at the University of Edinburgh, specialising in Pacific and North American Literature. She splits her time between Bristol, Edinburgh and London, always carrying around a tote bag exploding with fantasy and literary fiction books while listening to Tottenham Hotspur football podcasts or The 1975. She identifies as being acespec, and because of this likes to write stories featuring friendships and relationships with an extremely deep, meaningful connection. You can find Sarah on Twitter/X @scakenchington.
Treziel Mae Mayores - Sibyl
Treziel Mae Mayores is a poet from the Philippines who likes getting lost in her thoughts. She loves the rainy season but treats the sun as her muse. When she’s not cuddling her cat or cycling around the village, she writes personal essays on her blog called Ramblification. Currently, she’s a graduating student from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, studying Secondary Education, majoring in English. Her works are featured and forthcoming in POETRY POTION, eMERGE MAG, RIOT MAG, and TRASH TO TREASURE LITERATURE. You can reach her through her Twitter/X @the_meiyor.
Valerie Hunter - Betwixt
Valerie Hunter (she/ her) teaches high school English and has an MFA in writing for children and young adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her stories and poems have appeared in publications including CRICKET, CICADA, and PAPER LANTERNS, as well as numerous anthologies. You can find her on Instagram @somanystories_solittletime.
Issue Five: Wicked Woodlands
Nat Jacklin - Cover Art: Lamp Light
Nat is a costume designer and illustrator based in Cornwall. Predominantly her focus is cosplay illustration and design, mostly looking at fantasy and historical themes and media though horror, sci-fi and apocalyptic works all feature in her work on top of this. She is available for illustration commission, email to discuss. You can email her at, and find her on Instagram @love.bug.costumes.
Pam Knapp - The Wildings
Pam Knapp lives in the UK’s rolling countryside of the Sussex Downs, close enough to London to feel the heat, far enough away to avoid being burnt. Optimism is her greatest asset. Her most recent writing can be found in DRIECH MAGAZINE, GREEN INK POETRY, OWL HOLLOW PRESS, VOCIVIA and PURE SLUSH. You can find her on Twitter/X @Pamcountonwords. The Wildings was originally published in Issue Six of BEAR CREEK GAZETTE in November 2021.
Stephanie Henson - The Invaders
Stephanie lives with her family in West Chester, Pennsylvania, but is originally from Central, New Jersey, where she has a degree in Communications and a Publishing and Professional Writing Certificate from Rider University. She is also a member of SCBWI (Eastern PA Chapter) & is a 2024 SCBWI Virtual Conference Scholarship winner. Her first Children's Poetry book was released in affiliation with EXPERIMENTS IN FICTION, is a Book Excellence Award Finalist, and also reached Number One New Release in Children's Poetry on Amazon (ebook). She recently announced her next project, a Picture Book on school refusal to be published with TIELMOUR PRESS August 2024. She also has an MG Contemporary coming June 2024 to be published with OH MG PRESS. You can find her on Twitter/X @Stepha_henson, and on Instagram @stephahenson.
Enda Mulholland - The Mighty Sword
Enda Mulholland is a writer and teacher from Co. Derry in Northern Ireland. In December 2020 he graduated from Queen's University Belfast with his Master's in Creative Writing. His work has been featured in PÚCA MAGAZINE, PAPER LANTERNS YA LITERARY JOURNAL, DIVINATIONS MAGAZINE and The Summer Gothic Anthology by PANORAME PRESS. He is currently working on his first short story collection, which brings elements of Irish mythology and folklore into the modern world. You can find him on Twitter/X @endamulholland and on Instagram @endamul.
Livia Hartpence - You Wanted to Save a Willow
Livia Hartpence (she/her) is a writer from New York with work published in THE PASSIONFRUIT REVIEW. She loves strange, complex characters, magic, monsters, and mysteries. When Livia isn’t writing, she reads and tries to guess who the murderer is before the detective does. You can find her on Twitter/X @LiviaWHartpence.
Helen Kemp Zax - Witches on the Way
Helen Kemp Zax is co-winner of the 2021 YorkMix International Children’s Poetry Prize, 2018 1st Katherine Paterson Prize MG winner, and 2019 finalist. Her poems appear in many anthologies including Things We Do, Things We Wear, What is a Friend?, What is a Family?, Hop To It, Imperfect II, Chasing Clouds, and Two Truths and a Fib, and in magazines including THE CATERPILLAR, DIRIGIBLE BALLOON, CRICKET, HUNGER MOUNTAIN, THE SCHOOL MAGAZINE, and HIGH FIVE. Helen received an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband Leonard and their Aussie-doodle Huckleberry Finn. You can find her on Twitter/X @HelenZax, on Instagram @helenkempzax, and on her website
A.L. Davidson - The Shadow in the Pear Tree
A.L. Davidson (she/they) is a writer who specializes in massive space operas and tiny disturbances. She writes stories about ghosts, grief, isolation, space exploration, eco-horror, queerness, and the human condition. She is the author of three web novels - The Wayward Souls of Avalon, The Night Farm, and Lonely Planet Hotel - and their debut novella, When The Rain Begins To Burn, was funded via the kind folks on Kickstarter. They live with their cat Jukebox in Kansas City. You can find them on Twitter/X @MayBMockingbird, and on Instagram, Threads, BlueSky, and TikTok @MaybeMockingbird.
David M. Simon - Mushroom Fairy
David M. Simon is an ad agency creative director, illustrator and writer in sunny Cleveland, Ohio. His first novel, a middle grade fantasy adventure titled Trapped In Lunch Lady Land, was published in 2014 by CBAY BOOKS. His writing and artwork has also appeared in children's magazines including HIGHLIGHTS. His first novel for adults, The Wild Hunt, was published in 2022. As an artist, he has done work for a variety of markets, including magazines, greeting cards, even wallpaper borders, and has a RedBubble shop with illustration work inspired mostly by iconic books, authors, and movies. You can find him on Twitter/X @WritesDraws, and on Instagram and Threads @writesdraws.
Angela Patera - Creepy Corvid
Angela Patera is a self taught artist whose art has appeared in numerous publications, as well as on the cover of SELENITE PRESS and PENUMBRA ONLINE. Her art usually draws inspiration from the genres of horror and fantasy, but also from folklore and nature. You can find her on both Twitter/X and Instagram @angela_art13.
Madison McSweeney - The Cursed Wood, The Godmother
Madison McSweeney is a horror and weird fiction writer from Ottawa, Ontario. She’s the author of The Doom That Came To Mellonville (horror-comedy, FILTHY LOOT) and The Forest Dreams With Teeth (folk horror, DEMAIN PUBLISHING). Her poetry chapbook Fringewood was released in 2022 by ALIEN BUDDHA PRESS. You can find her on Twitter/X @MMcSw13, on Instagram @madison.mcsweeney13, and on her website
Rebecca Riddell - Nocturn's Hollow
Rebecca Riddell is a copywriter by day, and a poet/wannabe novelist by any time past 4:30pm. Born and bred in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, she can usually be found writing feminist, queer, and neurodivergent poetry and prose, struggling to finish her first novel, or wondering where it all went wrong. She still hasn’t figured that last one out. She is published in a handful of anthologies, and is currently working on her first full poetry collection (scary). You can find her on Instagram @r.a.riddell.
Charlotte Brookins - Ring of Gold, Tale of Old
Charlotte Brookins is an Iowa City-based writer who has been published by such organizations as Iowa City's POETRY IN PUBLIC, WILDER THINGS MAGAZINE, INK LITERARY MAGAZINE, the AFTERPAST REVIEW, and more. When she isn't writing, reading, or getting lost in the woods, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones. You can find her on Twitter/X @chbrookins, on Instagram @cbrookinswriting, and on her website
Alexa Donley - Dusk
Alexa Donley is a fiction writer living in Federal Way, Washington. She writes primarily speculative fiction and fantasy. When not writing, she enjoys traveling and walking in storms. You can find her on Instagram @alexadonleybooks.
Odi Welter - Unearthing the Grave of the Woods Child
Odi Welter (they/she/he) is a queer, neurodivergent author currently studying Film and Creative Writing at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. They have been featured in several literary magazines such as FURROW, CREST AND LETTERS, and MIDSUMMER MAGAZINE. When not writing, they are indulging in their borderline unhealthy obsessions with fairy tales, marine life, superheroes, and botany. Find them on Instagram @o.d.i.welter.
Caroline Lavoie - No Wolves in These Woods
Caroline Lavoie is a French-Canadian writer who spends her days on the homestead, growing food and improbable tales from seed. Her YA short stories appear in CLOUD LAKE LITERARY MAGAZINE and the anthology BLACK CAT. She was also a finalist in CANSCAIP's 2022 Writing for Children Competition. Caroline lives in northern British Columbia and is a grateful guest on the traditional unceded territory of the Lheidli T'enneh First Nation. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @lavoie_cwrites, and on her website
Issue Four: Resolutions
Leylah M - Cover Art: New Year, New Me
Leylah is an illustrator working in a wide range of mediums - from physical to digital, big or small, sculpted or drawn - willing to try her hand at anything. She creates work drawing upon specific interests in horror and the supernatural as well as incorporating whimsy and colourful detail with her work accumulating into a sort of quaint, miniature, haunted house. You can find her on Instagram, and on her website
Freya Elliott - Forget Me Not
Freya is a prose and screenwriter from West Yorkshire, currently living in Belfast. Her favourite things are old music, Jane Austen and peppermint tea. Freya has previously been published in Queen's University Belfast's literary magazine, THE APIARY, and the MUSINGS PUBLICATIONS monthly newsletter. You can find her on Twitter/X @frazzleselliott, and on Instagram @_freyaelliott_.
Eve Greenlow - Saturday Night Séance
Eve Greenlow (she/they) is a black and queer writer who was born and raised in the golden state of California. Her Scorpio nature gave her a love of writing, horror movies, and true crime. Her work has appeared in TRASH TO TREASURE LIT, TINY FRIGHTS, MANY NICE DONKEYS, LAVENDER BONES, TROUBLEMAKER FIRESTARTER, and THE PAPER CROW. She is currently earning her MFA in Creative Writing from City College of New York. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @e.liz.g.
Maggie Iribarne - The Book of Spells
Maggie Nerz Iribarne is 54, lives in Syracuse, NY, writes about witches, cleaning ladies, struggling teachers, neighborhood ghosts, and other things. She keeps a portfolio of her published work at Her story, The Book of Spells, was previously published in MANAWAKER STUDIO'S Flash Fiction Podcast in October 2022.
Kathryn Reilly - The Forest of the Dead
By day, Kathryn helps students investigate words’ power; by night, she resurrects goddesses and ghosts, spinning new speculative tales. Enjoy poetry in SHADOW ATLAS: DARK LANDSCAPES OF THE AMERICAS, LAST GIRLS CLUB, WILLOW TREE SWING, BLINK INK and fiction in TREE AND STONE, SEASIDE GOTHIC, DIET MILK, APOLOGUE OF THE IMMORTALS, and ELLY BLUE PUBLISHING. Her two rescue mutts, Savvie and Roxy Razzamatazz, hear all the stories first—sometimes in a treehouse. When she’s not writing, she’s rewilding her suburban backyard. Find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @Katecanwrite.
Mona Mehas - Fly By Butterfly
Mona Mehas (she/her) writes about growing up poor, accumulating grief, and the climate from the perspective of a retired, disabled teacher in Indiana USA. Her work has appeared in over sixty journals, anthologies, and online museums. Mona's chapbook, 'Questions I Didn't Know I'd Asked,' is available from LJMcD Communications, with another forthcoming in July 2024. Mona is a Trekkie and enjoys watching Star Trek shows and movies in chronological order. Follow her on Twitter/X @Patienc77732097 and Learn more and sign up for her newsletter at
L.T. Ward - The Girl with Icy Breath
L.T. (she/her) writes mostly speculative fiction shorts and novels while spending her days raising her children and satisfying her never-ending thirst for knowledge through reading, meeting people, and first-hand life experiences. She writes for various age groups and has several published short stories in the literary, horror, historical, fantasy, and speculative fiction genres. Readers can find her on Twitter/X @Ltward2, Instagram @ltward.writer, Goodreads:, or her website:
A.C. Bauer - Grow
A.C. Bauer is a horror writer who grew up on classic 90s slashers. His work has appeared in The Wicked Library, Haunted Words Press, and dark drabble anthologies from BLACK HARE PRESS and SHACKLEBOUND BOOKS. He lives in the American Southwest with his wife and three cats. He can be found on Twitter @A_BauerWrites or at
Yuu Ikeda - Us
Yuu Ikeda (she/they) is a Japan based poet and writer. She loves mystery novels, western art, sugary coffee, and japanese comic ‘呪術廻戦 (Jujutsu Kaisen)’. She writes poetry on her website. Her latest poetry chapbook Mentally, Midnight was published by NAKED CAT PUBLISHING. You can find her on Twitter/X and Instagram @yuunnnn77.
Lauren Carter - The Children of Owl Wilds
Lauren (she/they) is a library assistant by day and writer by night. She is the author of When the Demons Take Hold and Your Darling Death. She has published several short stories including: Alive, Just with THE HORROR TREE, The Children of Owl Wilds with HAUNTED WORDS PRESS, and The Sacrifices We Make with ROOSTER REPUBLIC PRESS. Visit their website here:
C.D. Kester - The Wanderer
C. D. Kester is an author of fiction who does most of his work in the horror genre. He lives in Kingwood, Texas with his wife and two children. Kester has published a novel, Chasing Demons, and a novella, The Bunker. He has also had many stories published in anthologies, ezines, and read in podcasts and YouTube videos. You can see his work and find him on social media via his link tree at
Vi Oliver Quill - Ghost
Vi Oliver Quill (they/he) is a teen writer and student from Washington State. They enjoy reading, playing double bass, and spending time with their cats. He can usually be found hiding in a corner and drinking alarming amounts of tea.
Jas Saunders - New Dog, Old Tricks
Jas Saunders is an Honours (Creative Writing) graduate from the University of Western Australia, living and creating in Boorloo. Her thesis portrayed how the ghost can serve as a form of hope for the future within coming-of-age narratives, subverting genre expectations. Jas' writing has been published in BLUE BOTTLE JOURNAL, PULCH MAG, JUST-FEMME-AND-DANDY MAG, and HAUNTED WORDS PRESS amongst others, found at She is also an alumnus of Express Media’s Toolkits: Fiction program.
Issue Three: Cold Comforts
Maisie Merrick - Spooky Snowfall
Maisie Merrick (she/her) is an artist and animator of whatever strange and magical idea pops into her head, plus whatever show she's currently obsessed with. She has just begun studying Animation at Falmouth University, and can be found on Instagram @pluto_mars_paperstars.
Isabella Lobo - Echoes in the Remains
Isabella Lobo is a teenage artist and writer currently living in South Florida. Her artwork and writing has received awards at the national level through Scholastic Art and Writing and has been published in COUNTERCLOCK, THE HARBOR REVIEW, and THE FIREFLY REVIEW, among others. She is an alumni of the 2022 Iowa Young Writers Studio and currently serves as a prose editor and staff writer for THE BORDERLINE. You can find her on Instagram @loba.artz.
August Blaine Centauri - Dad's Ghost
August Blaine Centauri, @hemlockrocksandsocks on Instagram, is a trickster in a human’s body who has been spinning yarns since around three years old. Thon is a proud weirdo. In thon spare time from working or writing, Blaine practices piano, lifts weights, and spars in Muay Thai.
Zachary Rosenberg - Christmas is a Time for Wolves
Zachary Rosenberg is a Jewish horror writer living in Florida. He crafts horrifying tales by night and by day he practises law, which is even more frightening. His forthcoming debut novella Hungers as Old as this Land is published by BRIGIDS GATE PRESS and his second, the Long Shalom is out from OFF LIMITS PRESS. You may find his works released or forthcoming in various anthologies and publications such as The Deadlands, and the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. You may follow him on Twitter/X at @ZachRoseAuthor.
Dayle Olson - After the Séance
Dayle Olson (she/her) hosts a poetry open mic and is founder of a radio program, River Writers, on KMUN in Astoria, Oregon. She is published in TIMBER GHOST PRESS, THIN VEIL PRESS, LITMORA MAGAZINE, SALAL REVIEW, NORTH COAST SQUID MAGAZINE, THE DIRIGIBLE BALLOON, and RAIN MAGAZINE. She recently participated in the Angry Ghosts Poetry Competition in Suffolk, England (and met some interesting ghosts). Her current obsession is filling zines with poems and poorly drawn birds. Twitter/X @daylejean.
Ceda Parkinson - The Mask Shop
Ceda Parkinson is a writer based in Cornwall. She studied English with Creative Writing at Falmouth University and currently is studying a Professional Writing MA, also at Falmouth. She is inspired by nature, dreams and unusuality in all its forms. You can find her on Twitter/X @cedaparkinson.
Jen Herron - Pawprints in the Snow
Jen Herron is a teacher, writer and journalist from Larne, Northern Ireland. Her work has been featured in THE IRISH TIMES, THE BELFAST TELEGRAPH, THE HONEST ULSTERMAN, POETRY JUKEBOX, LUMPEN MAGAZINE, BOWERY GOTHIC, HEARTH AND COFFIN, SEASIDE GOTHIC, and BBC RADIO ULSTER. She won the Seamus Heaney Award for New Writing, 2022. She also is the creator of The Spooky Women Podcast. Jen's story 'Pawprints in the Snow' was recently shortlisted in the CROWVUS Christmas Ghost Story Competition 2022 and was first published in their 'Phantoms for the Festive Season' anthology, now available on Amazon.
Irina Tall Novikova - The Forest Man
Irina Tall (Novikova) is an artist, graphic artist, illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art, and also has a bachelor's degree in design. The first personal exhibition "My soul is like a wild hawk" (2002) was held in the museum of Maxim Bagdanovich. In her works, she raises themes of ecology, in 2005 she devoted a series of works to the Chernobyl disaster, draws on anti-war topics. The first big series she drew was The Red Book, dedicated to rare and endangered species of animals and birds. Writes fairy tales and poems, illustrates short stories. In 2020, she took part in Poznań Art Week. You can find her on Instagram @irinanov4155.
Daisy Bignell - Wilting Roses
Daisy Bignell has just finished her Masters Degree in English Literature from the University of Winchester. From a young age Daisy always wanted to be a writer from prose to poetry, and everything in between! Her debut poem features in SCRIBBLES, a literary magazine, published in November 2022. For the sake of nostalgia, Daisy is currently fixated on writing about the ghosts and hauntings of people she used to know. When she isn't writing, she'll have her nose in an Agatha Christie novel. You can find her on Instagram @daisyabigwell and @bookishbignell.
Kashmini Shah - Grandmother's Cottage
Kashmini is a London based creative who can generally be found reading a fantasy book or reviewing a theatre show! She is an aspiring writer who adores beautiful and emotional prose. You can see what books she's reviewing on Instagram @kashmini.creates, find her on Twitter/X @kashminishah, and read her work on her personal blog
Rachael Llewellyn - Siren
Rachael Llewellyn (she/her) is a novelist living in Wales. She has published two novels and a collection of short stories. Her short fiction has appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, including CROW & CROSS KEYS, SWORD & KETTLE PRESS and POLARI PRESS. She is a PhD candidate at Swansea University, working on her thesis on trauma and memory in folktales. You can find her on Twitter/X @FumigatedSpace.
Marisca Pichette - Stained with Salt, Crusted in Snow
Marisca Pichette assembles charms from playing cards and bones. Her work has appeared in STRANGE HORIZONS, NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, and THE DEADLANDS, among others. Her Bram Stoker Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, is out now from ANDROID PRESS. Find her on Twitter as @MariscaPichette and Instagram as @marisca_write.
R.L. Summerling - You're Dissolving in the Blue Light
R.L. Summerling is a writer from South East London. In her free time she enjoys befriending crows in Nunhead Cemetery. She has stories in SEIZE THE PRESS, INTERZONE, NORTHERN GRAVY and more. Her debut collection Fleshpots is available on You can find her at and on Twitter @RLSummerling.
Amanda Long - Frost in the Window Panes
Amanda Long (she/her) is a college graduate from San Jose State University with honors in English Literature. She found her deep love for stories as a little girl in all forms of storytelling. When she's not writing, she can be found reading, watching films and TV series, and enjoying time with friends, family, and co-workers. She has recently published a piece of flash fiction entitled A Summer's Spirit on THE RAVEN REVIEW'S Summer 2022 Issue, and a short story entitled A Witch Comes to Call in TOIL & TROUBLE LITERARY MAGAZINE'S first issue. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter/X @amandaklwrites.
Issue Two: Sweet Curses and Sour Candies
Azhlee Avro - There's a Frog at my Funeral
Azhlee Avro (she/her) is a Cornish short story and illustration hobbyist of fiction and fantasy. She enjoys fantastical works of magic, worlds, and mythical characters, creating one-shot D&D campaigns and designing and drawing characters. She loves animated films and her two cats Cloud and Luna. You can find her illustrated works on Instagram @Sprite_Mouse.
Jaidah-Leigh Wyatt - Just a Word of Advice
Jaidah-Leigh Wyatt is a Canadian-Jamaican writer, currently studying film in university. She enjoys anything horror-related (specifically psychological horror) but has also been delving into absurdism and surrealism as of late. Overall she aims to create works that challenge your perspectives and change your views. Whether it be writing, films, or drawing, you can always find her working on something (or so she says). Find her on Instagram @wyatt________j .
Sammi Leigh Melville - Mommy Made a Doll
Sammi Leigh Melville lives in Harrisburg, PA with her two cats, Charlie and Loren. She is the author of the YA fantasy book, The Fields, writes film reviews for The Burg, and performs longform improv, in an attempt to work storytelling into every aspect of her life (except for the cats. Okay, maybe she tells stories to her cats). You can find her on Twitter/X @sammileighm.
Suzanna Lundale - From the Early Cases of Ambergris Jones, Paranormal Investigator
Suzanna Lundale is a lifelong writer and observer of the world who grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and has made her home in many places since. She is passionate about language, history, travel, dogs, and the loved ones – real and imagined - who form her galaxy. Her dual heritage, Latinx and Scandinavian-American, actively informs the complexity of her worldview and fascination with questions of identity and liminal spaces. Suzanna has been featured as a special guest poet in literary magazine THE CROW'S QUILL and tweets new poetry and fictional vignettes daily as @SuzannaLundale.
Shelley Corcoran - The Forest of Years
Shelley Corcoran, (she/her), has published in MURZE issues 11 & 12, A NEW ULSTER LITERARY MAGAZINE, THE YORK LITERARY REVIEW 2021, PARENTHESES JOURNAL, GALWAY REVIEW 9 ANTHOLOGY, TÍR NA NÓG LITERARY MAGAZINE II & III, LEMON PEEL PRESS, EUPHORIA, GREEN INK POETRY, 5, MARBLE POETRY MAGAZINE, CHASING SHADOWS ANTHOLOGY and LONGFORD LIVE & LOCAL WINTER. She has performed her poetry at Cruthu Arts Festival 2021 and 2022, Tír na nÓg poetry night and Written in the Stars (Poetry Day Ireland). She is also compiler for CHASING SHADOWS ANTHOLOGY. Instagram: @corcoranshelley.
Gully Novaro - Fingertaker
Gully Novaro (They/Them) is a Non-Binary writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, with love for all things out of this world. Their work aims to explore feelings of dread, solitude and wonder, and has been featured in WYRMS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF DRAGON DRABBLES, WELL, THIS IS TENSE, and the DYSTOPIAN DRABBLE SHOWCASE, VOL.2, among others. Find them on Twitter/X @GullyNovaro.
Emma Whitehall - Familiar
Emma (she/her) is an author, bookseller and introvert from the North East of England. She’s also the Forum Books Writer in Residence for 2022. Her YA Steampunk-Crimes-and-Found-Family debut, Clockwork Magpies, is available from NORTHODOX PRESS. A former Waterstones bookseller turned indie bookshop champion, Emma writes fun, emotion-driven fantasy, with characters that you’ll want to take for a coffee. Or wrap in a blanket. Or both. Come say hi at @pensandpizza on Instagram and Twitter/X!
Beth Jones - Simple Curses for Beginners
Beth Jones is an 18-year-old Graphic design student studying at UCW. She is working towards a BA(Hons) in Graphic design and loves working on branding and illustrations. She has always been creative, having a passion for art, photography and design since she was young. You'd most likely find her curled up with her nose in a good book! You can find her on Instagram @bjj_graphic.
Indranil Ghosh - Not a Dimwit After All
Indranil Ghosh (He/Him/His) is a Ph.D. student in applied mathematics from India, currently residing in New Zealand. Highly inspired by Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, and Robert Frost, whenever he is not working, one may find him either reading classic poems or listening to music from the 70s and 80s. He has poems upcoming/published in APHELION WEBZINE, SIXPENCE SOCIETY LITERARY MAGAZINE, and more. His Twitter/X handle is @indraghosh314.
FK Marlowe - Pumpkin Spice
FK Marlowe is currently on a mission to earn the title "Queen of Creepy" for her horror stories, but also writes Young Adult fiction about misfits and vampires and wolves (oh my!) Being utterly mercurial she makes no promises about future genres. Marlowe currently lives in Vancouver with her husband, three daughters and a rescue pup who is systematically destroying the lawn. Marlowe wholly approves of this behaviour. Follow her on her website, Twitter/X @fkmarlowewrites, or Instagram @f.k.marlowe.
Davina Kaur - The Town of Harrow
Davina is a writer and an English Graduate from the University of Lincoln. Her work has been published in LITGLEAM, CHAPTER HOUSE, NYMPHS PUBLICATIONS, and THE EGALITARIAN. You'll find her researching different True Crimes or Paranormal stories and watching many horror films. One day she hopes to see her book on a Waterstones Bookshelf. Find her on Instagram at @davinaisreading and on Twitter/X at @DavinaKaur6.
Alicia Fitton - Sea Witch
Alicia Fitton is a Manchester based, performance poet writing about love, lies and justified feminist rage, often through a lens of myth and fantasy. Find her on Twitter/X @alicia_Makes or on Instagram @alicia_makes.
Stephanie Meador - House Sitter
Stephanie Meador is a recent graduate of the University of Central Arkansas. She earned a B.A. in English and enjoys reading and writing fiction, poetry, and scripts. Her work has been published by 501 LIFE MAGAZINE, THE VORTEX MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE AND FINE ART, and REEDSY. She recently moved to North Carolina and works as a journalist for GREATER FAYETTEVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL. You can find her on Instagram @stephanie_adele_ and on Twitter/X @steph_adele11.
Paul Wilson - Egg-Shaped Man
Paul Wilson (he/him) lives in a suburban neighborhood much like the one he turned into a horror playground in his novel Hostage. He lives with his wife, kids, and two cats. He has worked a spectacular list of jobs including retail district manager, a 911 operator, and the head of a college security department. You can follow him on Twitter/X @Storydweller102 or email him at
Issue One: Begin
Yassie Hodges - Flowers for the Forgotten
Yassie Hodges (she/her) is a 22-year-old local student studying at Falmouth University. She is working towards a BA(Hons) in Illustration and enjoys exploring illustration catered towards children, but also surrounding mental health; aiming to work on removing the stigmas in an illustrative way. You can find her @ya.ssie on Instagram.
Rebecca Kealy - Shortcut
Rebecca Kealy (she/her) is a gentle ginger giant from Birmingham and a recent Creative Writing graduate at Falmouth University! She loves to write fiction, predominantly YA as she’s always enjoyed the simplicity of the writing style, where characters and story is far more important than intricate, beautiful sentences for sentences’ sake. Currently she’s working on her first novel, and slowly working out how to blog to get her writing out there!! You can find her blog at, and on Instagram @rjkwriting.
Fiona H Evans - Darkside
Fiona H Evans (she/her) is a mathematician and emerging writer. She lives in Perth, Western Australia, on Noongar Boodja with a dog, a cat and two chickens too old to lay eggs. You can find her on Twitter/X @FionaHEvans.
Angela Patera - Sighting of the Ghosts in the Forest
Angela Patera is a self taught artist whose art has appeared in numerous publications, as well as on the cover of SELENITE PRESS and PENUMBRA ONLINE. Her art usually draws inspiration from the genres of horror and fantasy, but also from folklore and nature. You can find her on both Twitter/X and Instagram @angela_art13.
Halle Merrick - The Nameless Man
Halle Merrick (she/they) is a writer of the magical, the peculiar, and the whatever-thought-pops-into-her-head. They hold a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and a Master's in Professional Writing from Falmouth University. They are the founder and editor of Haunted Words Press, and their work has been published in FILTER COFFEE ZINE and TOIL & TROUBLE LITERARY MAGAZINE, among others. They would very much like to live in a haunted house with a legion of ghost cats one day. You can find her on Twitter @halle_merrick, and Instagram @hallemaem.
Elise Peyrat - The Darkness Hums
Elise Peyrat (they/them), also nicknamed Bird, is a Creative Writing graduate from Falmouth University. They have a knack for the creepy, the spooky and the bizarre. They like to explore themes of gender, sexuality and neurodivergence in coming-of-age stories (which is why most of their main characters end up looking strangely like them). They also like movies and video games that use horror as a way to discuss serious topics. They write poetry, screenplays, video games scripts and short stories. You can reach Elise at or on Twitter/X @theginkgoleaves.